Funza Digitali - Digital Skilling and Sustainable Livelihoods

  1. Women Engineers Program: The Women Engineers Program aims to empower young women in the community by providing them with training in networking skills. By equipping them with essential technical knowledge, we aim to bridge the gender gap in the technology field and promote inclusivity. The program enables women to establish their own Community Networks (CNs) or support existing CNs in network management. Through this initiative, we strive to create opportunities for women to actively participate in technology-driven initiatives and contribute to the growth and development of their communities.  
  2. Creatives Accelerator Program: Recognizing the vibrant creativity within Kibera, the Creatives Accelerator Program focuses on collaborating with young creatives to leverage digital resources and amplify their work. The program aims to provide these talented individuals with the necessary tools, skills, and support to thrive in the digital landscape. By harnessing the power of technology, we seek to empower creatives to expand their reach, showcase their work to a wider audience, and explore innovative ways of monetizing their talents. Through this program, we aim to nurture the creative economy within the community and create sustainable livelihood opportunities.
  3. Grassroot Human Rights Defenders (GHRDs) Program: The GHRDs Program empowers grassroots human rights defenders by mainstreaming human rights and feminist internet principles in enhancing digital literacy skills. In the digital era, effective advocacy requires the ability to leverage digital platforms and tools to amplify voices and advocate for causes. Through this program, we provide training and support to activists in utilizing digital tools and platforms to effectively promote their causes, raise awareness, and mobilize support as well as confront evolving challenges like cyberbullying, proliferation of hate speech, and increase of data privacy issues. By empowering activists with digital skills, we strengthen their impact and enable them to navigate the digital space to advance social justice and human rights.