1) Affrordable Internet Access Provision
For, by and with the Community involves exploring cost-effective solutions, such as leveraging existing infrastructure, employing wireless technologies, or partnering with local Internet service providers. The focus is on making internet connectivity accessible and affordable for individuals and businesses in underserved areas. Tandanet has connected over 100 centers comprising of community schools, community businesses, Community dispensaries and health centers, Local government offices, and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) within Kibera. Reaching out to 10,000 community members directly and indirectly -with up to 55% being learners, 35% youths, and 10% elderly in 11 villages out of 13 villages in Kibera slums including Kianda, Soweto East, Gatwekera, Kisumu Ndogo, Lindi, Laini Saba, Silanga, Makina, Salama, Ayany and Mashimoni.
2)Hosting services
As part of its connectivity focus, Tanda Community Network provides storage and hosting services to individuals, businesses, and organizations within the community. This includes offering cloud storage solutions, website hosting, and other digital content hosting services. By providing reliable and secure storage and hosting options, Tanda Community Network supports local businesses and promotes digital entrepreneurship within the community
3)Local Content and responsive applications and platforms
Tanda Community Network works with diverse partners in hosting local instances of platforms and engaging the community in creating content on the platforms. Currently, Tandanet is working with DW Academie in deploying the open and free Colmena application together with media partners from the Global South. It enables local and community media to produce and publish content even in times of crisis. These include recording interviews and editing audio materials together, streaming live broadcasts, team meetings, secure data exchange, online team meetings, publishing radio stories, podcasts, and more. By March 2023, 88 media professionals have been trained as users and trainers for Colmena, who act as multipliers in their work environment and networks to ensure the inclusive use of Colmena
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